

Learn from the masters, not just the manuals. Engage with expertise on the latest manufacturing insights and requirements.

Upcoming Webinars

FSMA Friday Webinar Series

FSMA Friday is a monthly webinar to learn regular updates, insights, and guidance to help you navigate industry shifts surrounding the Food Safety Modernization Act.

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[Demo Days Series] Digital Plant Management Platform

Join SafetyChain for a series of live demos showing how SafetyChain - the industry's only complete digital plant management platform - maximizes throughput and yield, ensures quality and compliance, and optimizes labor and productivity.

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FSMA Friday Replays

The Pillars of Allergen Recall Prevention

Preventing an allergen recall requires an understanding of production processes, a focus on consistency, and effective communication with upper management. In this webinar, we’ll focus on what tools and practices are needed to prevent costly allergen-related recalls.

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Mastering the Unannounced Regulatory Inspection

Learn areas to prepare for should an unexpected regulatory inspection occur, along with training tips to empower your team to navigate inspections.

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Preparing for the FDA’s Enforcement of the Intentional Adulteration Rule

Learn essential tips to help you prepare ahead of a FSMA Food Defense audit, what the FDA expects a facility to have in a written food defense plan, and how to train your teams to identify APS.

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Impact and Implementation: Understanding the New PCHF Analysis Guidance

Learn what the new recent updates to the FDA's Preventative Controls for Human Food (PCHF) Rule are, and how F&B manufacturers can prepare.

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Using Monthly Inspections as a Tool for Prerequisite Program Verification

Uncover common weaknesses in verification processes to help you more accurately monitor your facility and hygiene program effectiveness.

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Achieving Food Safety Culture Maturity: From Audit-Readiness to Business Success

Hear what’s needed to mature your food safety culture to truly be audit-ready all the time, and what business benefits can you realize if done properly.

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Elevating Food Safety: Tackling Hazards for a Stronger Food Safety Culture

Learn the areas where hazard analysis and food safety plans may be vulnerable, and what pillars are needed to build a stronger food safety culture.

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From QMS to FSMS: Intersecting Compliance, Audit-Readiness, and Production

Learn the elements of a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) to ensure quality and safety alignment, and achieve production goals.

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Strengthening Your Supply Chain Program: Insights for RAC Producers & Food Manufacturers

Learn to strengthen food safety programs and supplier evaluation procedures to mitigate risk and comply with changing FSMA regulations.

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So You Think You Can Pass? A Guide for Food Retail Audits

Learn the not-so-obvious places auditors inspect at food retail facilities, and what FDA Food Code compliance could mean for F&B manufacturers.

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Environmental Controls: Keeping Pathogens Out

Learn what's needed to prevent pathogens from entering your facility and overcome the common pitfalls for effective pathogen containment.

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The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Food Safety, and What to Expect Next

Uncover common weaknesses in verification processes to help you more accurately monitor your facility and hygiene program effectiveness.

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Shoring Up Your Prevention Actions to Avoid FDA Form 483

Learn to avoid FDA investigations resulting in a Form 483, overcoming resource constraints, and ensuring proper documentation practices are being met.

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How the 2022 FDA Food Code Impacts Food Producers

Learn what requirements within the FDA 2022 Food Code impact those who manufacture and supply food items to retail, restaurant, and other direct-to-consumer food companies.

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Preparing for Safety Risks within Global Food Trends

There can be many hidden food safety risks that come with innovation. Learn what food manufacturing and processing trends may pose higher food safety risks.

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Food Labeling Concerns and Cures for 2023

Manufacturers must identify and address the risks that lead to label inaccuracies. Learn how to avoid issues that affect production uptime, compliance, and brand trust.

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The Finalized FDA Food Traceability Rule: What It Means for Your Business

Understand how the FDA's final version of the Food Traceability Rule helps identify food-borne illness outbreaks and impacts your business.

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Navigating the Perfect Storm of Supplier Constraints

Supplier risk expert shares how to establish an emergency sourcing plan with strong food safety controls in place that can be rapidly enacted as needed.

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FDA Expectations: How to Become “Recall Ready”

Hear a food safety expert break down the challenges often encountered when executing a product recall, and industry best practices for navigating a product recall.

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Navigating New PFAS Regulations: How to Prepare for What We Know

Food Safety expert reveals the latest EPA changes to PFAS requirements, what food items may be at higher risk of non-compliance, and how to build a proactive approach to address an audit.

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Confusing Validation with Verification: The Risks and Best Practices

Interchanging validation and verification processes can put food safety in jeopardy. Hear real examples of how this confusion resulted in lost productivity due to non-compliance, and learn how to avoid future risk.

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Proactive FSMA Compliance: What 2022 Taught Us to Better Plan Ahead

See how food manufacturers navigated recent shifts in FSMA requirements, then learn best practices to help better prepare for 2022 compliance deadlines.

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Supply Chain Controls – Ensuring Regulatory Compliance and Consumer Safety

Liliana Casal-Wardle, Ph.D., discusses how to create supply chain control programs that safeguard your brands, ensure regulatory compliance and protect your consumers.

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Building Accessible Food Safety Training for a Diverse Workforce

Liliana Casal-Wardle, Ph.D., discusses how to create supply chain control programs that safeguard your brands, ensure regulatory compliance and protect your consumers.

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Optimizing Your CAPAs: Maximize Your Efforts with an Effective Process

Learn how to optimize your CAPA program by clearly defining the problem, and understanding what questions to ask to identify the root cause of the problem.

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The Psychology of Product Allergen Labeling

How to optimize your CAPA program by clearly defining the problem, and understanding what questions to ask to identify the root cause of the problem.

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Webinar Replays

How Lincoln Premium Poultry Used Digital Plant Management to Transform its Workplace Culture

Learn how Lincoln Premium Poultry collects, views, and reports data across their plant to create a data-driven and transparent culture for all employees. 

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Understanding, Managing, and Reducing Cost of Quality

Through a concrete Cost of Quality model, informative explanations and illustrative examples, this webinar teaches how to calculate the CoQ metric and shows how it can benefit your manufacturing organization.

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Fixing the Foundations of Your Lean House in an Uncertain Economy

Learn the foundational Lean pillars manufacturers commonly miss and why, where to find waste in current processes, and how to improve without straining resources.

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Three Ways to Transition From “Fire Fighting” Mode to Boost Gains

Learn what's needed to stop “fighting fires” on the plant floor and acquire the capabilities to grow and sustain your hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly gains. Part 2 of a 3 part series.

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Food Safety Culture: Breaking Down Silos Using Influence

Learn how Food Safety leaders and practitioners can influence breaking down functional silos to integrate food safety into every part of the organization.

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An Intro to OEE: The Pulse of Your Plant’s Health

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), is *not* just about your machines or downtime improvements, it's a holistic indicator of your plant's health, efficiency, and productivity. Learn about the benefits of OEE and how to get started calculating this "best practices" KPI with resources at hand.

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Proactive Internal Auditing—The Key to Improving Your Quality System

Auditing against a standard like ISO 9001 or one of the GFSI schemes isn’t easy and is rarely effective without the proper training, guidance, and tools. IJ Arora, CEO of Quality Management International Inc. (QMII) provides tips on the Internal Auditing process.

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Untangling the Knots in Your Digitization Implementation

Learn what you should do upfront to ensure a successful digital transformation project – which will prevent you spending tens of thousands of dollars in fixes later on.

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