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SafetyChain Demo Days Webinar Series

With each event, we'll walk you around the plant to show how SafetyChain addresses common manufacturing problems such as inefficiencies and downtime, as well as challenges in maintaining compliance and improving product yield.

Part 1: Receiving to Facility

See how operators use a mobile device to capture data in real-time (such as purchase order numbers, lot numbers, trailer numbers, and environmental conditions like temperature) during shipment delivery. You’ll also see how easy it is to flag non-conformances or deviations, and how quickly supervisors can view receiving records to identify exceptions.

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Part 2: Sanitation & Start-Up Delays

See how SafetyChain collects plant-wide data to help quickly identify and determine the "why" behind the causes of start-up delays, such as missed sanitation steps. We’ll show you how we get the data and give examples of status dashboards including procedure validation, non-conformances, effectiveness, and regulatory compliance.

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Part 3: Production & Downtime Tracking

Learn how SafetyChain provides real-time production monitoring, enabling you to swiftly identify and analyze the causes of downtime events. You'll also learn how data is collected and visualized with SafetyChain through examples of live monitoring dashboards showing key metrics such as event analysis and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) indicators.

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Part 4: Quality, SPC, & Post-Production Reviews

See how SafetyChain's digital plant management platform handles in-line quality checks and provides comprehensive insights for both operators and supervisors. We'll show how operators use mobile devices to record in-line weight checks and monitor trends, and what supervisors see to monitor overall performance - including verification processes to identify where standards were not met.

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Part 5: Verifications & Shipping

See how to centralize documentation for on-demand access, provide real-time tracking of verifications and shipments, and help ensure regulatory compliance.

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Part 6: Business Tracking & Outcomes

Learn how SafetyChain's Digital Plant Management Platform captures and visualizes real-time and historical data to show the actual health of your plant.

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