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Plant Impact Spotlight: Egglife Ignites High-Quality Wraps with SafetyChain & Ignition®

Connecting the dots between thousands of process data points is required to create the perfect wrap every time. SafetyChain's integration with Ignition® enables Quality, Production, and Maintenance to understand quality data alongside equipment performance for a consistent product.

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How to Meet GFSI Requirements: Paper vs. Digital

Join Continuous Improvement Coach, Ruth Bitterman, as she compares traditional, paper-based processes to using a digital system based on her own experiences working in the food manufacturing industry.

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Plant Impact Spotlight: Safety and Employee Value at Lincoln Premium Poultry

Lincoln Premium Poultry emphasizes the importance of valuing and respecting employees, changing negative misconceptions in meat packing, and maintaining industry-leading safety standards.

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Plant Impact Spotlight: Digital Plant Management with Death Wish Coffee

Mike Brown's journey with Death Wish Coffee, from a small operation to a 30,000-square-foot complex, highlights the necessity for sophisticated infrastructure and operating systems.

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Plant Impact Spotlight: The Importance of Real-Time Data in Freshpet's Pet Food Production

Freshpet competes with bigger brands by providing high-grade, consistent food for pets, earning customers' trust.

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Case Studies

How Joyce Farms Aced Their Unannounced BRC Audit

Joyce Farms received an AA+ on an unannounced BRC audit in what their auditor described as "the smoothest and easiest audit he's ever conducted."

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Nichols Farms: How The Whole Plant Bought Into An FSQA Strategy

FSQA director digitzed HACCP to facilitate plant-wide adoption of digital forms; a data-drive solution in one department evolved into a process-driven system for the plant floor.

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Driving Change Through Digitization: How Lincoln Premium Poultry Built A Positive & High Performing Culture

From inspections to data exploration, Digital Plant Management has become Lincoln Premium Poultry's go-to tool to access actionable data.

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How Death Wish Coffee Went Paperless & Mastered SQF

Explore Death Wish Coffee’s strategies, struggles, and successes in transitioning their FSQA operations to being completely paperless — within a month.

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How an $11B Global Food Company Increased Production by 36% with OEE

See how Ajinomoto implemented Digital Plant Management, resulting in reduced waste and increased production by over 36% without compromising quality.

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Operator-Driven Results: How Empowering The Frontline Improves Profitability

How Beyond Meat, Ajinomoto, Death Wish Coffee, and Brakebush increased employee engagement and achieved sustainable improvements in productivity, quality, and safety.

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Prepare for the FSMA Intentional Adulteration (IA) Rule

Learn what is needed to prepare for an IA Rule audit and ensure compliance. In this guide, we simplify steps to developing a food defense plan in tandem with your food safety plan - providing methods and tips to help you conduct vulnerability assessments and documented mitigation strategies to protect against intentional contamination by inside attackers. 

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The Ultimate Guide to BRC Audits & Certifications: Issue 9

Your guide to achieving BRC Issue 9 certification, including building a company-wide culture of food safety, and making sure your teams will always be BRC audit ready.

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Aligning FSMA with GFSI Requirements: Best Practices

For FDA/FSMA-regulated food and beverage manufacturers who are also GFSI certified, managing two or more sets of food safety requirements is not only complicated, it’s nearly impossible. Here's how to manage both sets of requirements from a single platform.

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CAPA Implementation: Avoiding Common Pitfalls

View insights, examples, and videos that describe the best tools, techniques, and strategies to overcome issues and ensure a higher CAPA success rate.

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Mastering Alignment: Bridging Corporate Objectives and Operational Realities

Part 1: Learn methods to prioritize manufacturing objectives, keep teams informed and accountable, detail project plans and incorporate tools to quickly identify risks and adjust.

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Preparing for Digital Transformation: Getting Started (duplicate)

Part 2: Learn a thoughtful, more cost effective approach to digital transformation - including potential outcomes, such as productivity improvements and employee retention.

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Safety, Compliance

How Food Safety Audit Software Keeps Your Company Prepared 24/7

With the advent of food safety audit software, companies can maintain constant readiness and plant-w...

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A Guide to Best Practices for Food Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance encompasses many activities to prevent defects. Plant management can use these bes...

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What You Need to Know About FSMA 204 and How Software Can Help

FSMA 204 has new traceability and record-keeping requirements, requiring support in areas where manu...

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How to Prepare for Stress-Free Audits

Painting over mold before an audit isn’t an uncommon practice for food and beverage manufacturers. R...

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What to Expect From a BRC Audit

How can you prepare for a British Retail Consortium (BRC) audit? Learn what you need to know to get ...

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Supplier Management: Strengthening Relationships & Meeting FSMA Requirements

Sam Davidson, Director of Food Safety at The Acheson Group, explores the FDA’s observations on suppl...

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Stepping into 2025: Food Safety Changes and Insights

Join Dr. Ben Miller, Executive Vice President of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs at The Acheson Group, who will share his views of what food safety regulations and industry trends are being tracked to rollout or continue in 2025, along with advice for how to prioritize and what to prepare.

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Using Monthly Inspections as a Tool for Prerequisite Program Verification

Uncover common weaknesses in verification processes to help you more accurately monitor your facility and hygiene program effectiveness.

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Elevating Food Safety: Tackling Hazards for a Stronger Food Safety Culture

Learn the areas where hazard analysis and food safety plans may be vulnerable, and what pillars are needed to build a stronger food safety culture.

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Achieving Food Safety Culture Maturity: From Audit-Readiness to Business Success

Hear what’s needed to mature your food safety culture to truly be audit-ready all the time, and what business benefits you can realize if done properly.

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Impact and Implementation: Understanding the New PCHF Analysis Guidance

Learn what the new recent updates to the FDA's Preventative Controls for Human Food (PCHF) Rule are, and how F&B manufacturers can prepare.

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Preparing for the FDA’s Enforcement of the Intentional Adulteration Rule

Learn essential tips to help you prepare ahead of a FSMA Food Defense audit, what the FDA expects a facility to have in a written food defense plan, and how to train your teams to identify APS.

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