
How Lincoln Premium Poultry Used Digital Plant Management to Transform its Workplace Culture

Turnover in the poultry processing industry, like many manufacturing industries, stands are more than 100% annually. But, at Lincoln Premium Poultry (LPP) things are different. With just 40% turnover and a 100% staffing level, LPP is using digital plant management technology to transform its company culture into a place where people want to come to work every day. 

Join Cindie Serrano, Training and Strategic Initiatives Manager at Lincoln Premium Poultry, who will discuss how LPP collects, views, and reports data across their plant to create a data-driven and transparent culture for all employees. 

You’ll Learn:

  • The challenges LPP was looking to solve using SafetyChain

  • How SafetyChain helped LPP focus on safety, people, and culture

  • The types of data LPP is collecting from across the plant floor

  • How LPP gave their employees a voice through data

  • The results to date, including a story of more than $200K in savings per month

Meet Your Presenter:

Cindy Serrano

Cindie Serrano

Training & Strategic Initiatives Manager, Lincoln Premium Poultry
  • 28 Years in Manufacturing

  • Started as an operator and has held positions in production, quality, and corporate management.

  • 5 years at Lincoln Premium Poultry

  • Life-long proud Nebraskan

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March 8th at 9:00 am PT/12:00 pm ET