
How Rosina Achieved Digital Transformation From the Plant Floor Up

Victoria Taylor
Field Marketing Sr. Manager

It’s no small effort to pursue Digital Transformation, but it’s becoming a necessity to keep pace in modern manufacturing. To remain efficient and competitive, it’s no longer a question of whether Digital Transformation is needed, but when. 

Digital Transformation must be a technological and cultural journey. Not only must your business integrate technology that changes plant floor operations, but it must also undergo a cultural transformation that requires staff training, support, and executive buy-in. 

Rosina Food Products, a food manufacturing company, relied on methods for data collection that were most familiar to their staff – a paper-based system that, unfortunately, missed the opportunity to actually derive value from data being collected. Information was filed away and few eyes ever saw the captured data. With the opening of a new facility on the horizon, Rosina recognized the need for change and sought a better solution. However, the team understood the importance of not disrupting operations by implementing anything so complicated it would be resisted by employees. 

The implementation team knew the potential of a digital plant management platform but had to communicate its value to key stakeholders. Unfortunately, less than 30% of digital transformation initiatives succeed because executive leadership only see results that reflect improper implementation. By setting clear goals, anticipating outcomes, and devising a detailed implementation strategy, the Rosina team successfully achieved buy-in and rolled out the platform. 

Rosina has seen the payoff that comes with putting in the effort to achieve Digital Transformation. To date, Rosina Foods has seen significant benefits to their bottom line, including a 56% reduction in paper consumption and $10 million in savings. They anticipate greater savings as they find new ways to implement SafetyChain.

By leveraging a digital plant management platform that addressed specific pain points and delivered tangible benefits visible to leadership, Rosina Food Products was able to realize significant cost savings and has built momentum for more extensive digital transformation initiatives. Take a closer look at their implementation plan: How Rosina Foods Achieved Digital Transformation From the Plant Floor Up