
You Can’t Measure What You Can’t Manage

Jennifer Kinion
Content Manager at SafetyChain Software

Barry Maxon, CEO and President of SafetyChain Software, provided the following blog post.

“You can’t measure what you can’t manage.”

It’s a famous quote for good reason – because it’s true! Simple and profound, and yet most Food & Beverage companies struggle to access the critical Food Safety & Quality data you need to make informed decisions.

At SafetyChain, our vision is to not only help the Food & Beverage industry stay compliant, but to leverage compliance data to drive operational excellence that improves net operating margins.

We are partnering with the Food & Beverage industry to help drive significant, hard dollar savings to your bottom line. We believe real-time data analytics is the key to using quality compliance to drive improved operating margins. Which is why we are excited to announce our new release of SafetyChain Analytics.

With SafetyChain Analytics we help customers address top of mind issues. How best to reduce over-fill / over-pack, reduce quality defects, reduce scrap and waste, and reduce customer complaints? How can we increase yield, improve on time shipment, and demonstrate quality as a true competitive advantage to win new business? These are significant levers to improving operating margins.

At SafetyChain, our goal is to enable customers to get out from behind the proverbial eight ball, flying blind and reacting to problems – and give them instant access to the data needed to stay ahead of the curve. To get the transparency into key metrics to proactively manage programs and facilities. We understand the constant pressures to stay compliant, satisfy auditors, meet production demands, and improve net margins. We can help relieve these pressures by delivering the right business intelligence and reports in real time.

Accessing food safety and quality data shouldn’t be a near impossible burden or require an army of people. The irony is, Food & Beverage companies spend millions annually to collect data, but struggle to get any value because it’s on paper, locked in filing cabinets and silo systems. With SafetyChain Analytics, barriers are eliminated and all the data already collect is transformed into real-time business intelligence. We deliver full transparency to reduce risk, instant compliance visibility for faster corrective actions, and data that empowers companies to do more with less.

Real-time analytics is the key to transforming food safety and quality teams, facility operations, and your company’s bottom line. Analytics allows program improvement. It reduces over-fill, prevents a problem from growing, and reduces down time. It helps companies ship faster and reduce customer complaints… the list of benefits goes on and on.

At SafetyChain, we are excited to deliver powerful, real-time analytics to empower you to take quality operations to the next level. Our goal is to help companies take what is already being done – collecting reams of compliance data – and transform that into operational excellence. Not only will it make current operations more effective, but shows a very real, tangible benefit and ROI to any size organization.

Visibility. Knowledge. Control. That’s what real-time analytics offers. And our goal at SafetyChain is to make it easy to have these powerful tools available to the Food & Beverage industry.

Click here to learn more about SafetyChain’s new powerful tool, SafetyChain Analytics.